Kratom Mytra Tea ~ Specialty Blend Splits

  • Sale
  • Regular price $22.00

Instructions for split ordering:

Pick your option for your split then at checkout write your choices in the "special instructions to seller."  Choose from the following list of blends.

AK Avalanche ~ 1/2 White, 1/2 Rainbow 

Aurora Borealis ~ Green, White, Rainbow 

Dark Chocolate ~ Choc Bent, Red Bent

Deep Sleep ~ Bent, Ch bent

Dragonfly ~ Red, Green

Fern Gully ~ Green, Gold

F*uck U Pharma ~1/2 Red 1/2 Rainbow

Golden Halo ~ Gold, Yellow

Nirvana ~ Red, Yellow

Midnight Moon ~ Reds, Yellow

Faceplant ~ All heavy Reds

Fire Island ~ Reds

Holy Grail ~ Red, Gold, Green, White

Starlight ~ White, Gold

Sunny Daze ~ Yellow, White

Sweet Leaf ~ White, Red, Rainbow

Thunder ~ All strain colors

White Mountain ~ whites

White Chocolate ~ Ch bent, White


☆You can also pick any single strain in a split option! 

Red MD
Red Thai
Red Bali
Red Bika
Red Bangkalan 

Red Bent
Chocolate bent

White MD
White Thai
White Bika
White Bangkalan 
White Hulu

Green MD
Green Elephant
Green Hulu
Super Green Nano 
Green Bangkalan 

Gold Bali
Gold MD
Yellow Sunda
Yellow MD
Yellow Bangkalan 


 To be continued... if you know of one that I haven't yet listed you can still order it. :)